Rabu, 06 April 2016

Golden Pumpkin

I have this beautiful fall wreath on my door.
It drew me in the moment I saw it. The flecks of gold and bronzes mixed with fall colors appealed to me. 
 Exactly my style.

But I realized ,after I did my pumpkin candy holders, I needed a little contrast.

So I bought a lovely pumpkin.

The only problem was the orange pumpkin was all wrong against my bronze mum holders and the gold flecks in the wreath. 

I loved the look of the "gold leafing" on the pumpkins on the wreath and decided to try to mimic that.

So I spray painted the pumpkin. 
The problem , now, was it was too gold. 

 I grabbed some sand paper and, while the spray paint was still tacky, lightly sanded the pumpkin down. 
Sanding while the paint was tacky made the paint fleck off and look more like a rub, instead of a  paint. Exactly what it needed.

 It added the perfect contrast to my porch.

Is fall underway in your home too?

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